
New Study Shows Link Between Lead Poisoning and Genetic Damage

A breakthrough new medical study is further illustrating the devastating long-term health effects lead poisoning can have on children.

In the study, researchers show that lead poisoning can lead to reduced gene expression, a phenomenon that can cause long-term health risks.

Genetic Damage Related to Lead Poisoning Can Harm Cancer-Fighting Genes

Among the genes affected by lead are ALAD, which synthesizes a critical compound related to the development of red blood cells and p16, a gene that plays an important role in the suppression of tumors and is frequently inactivated in different types of cancer.

A recent article from Technology Networks outlined the findings of the study:

“In work published in the journal Environmental Research, scientists at Hokkaido University collaborated with colleagues at the University of Zambia to investigate blood lead levels in 140 children aged 2 to 10 years in Kabwe, Zambia. Children were chosen from townships close to and distant from an old, highly polluted lead-zinc mine. According to a survey conducted by the Blacksmith Institute (now, Pure Earth), due to this mine, Kabwe was considered one of the 10 most polluted places on Earth in 2013.

 Blood lead levels were measured in all children. The scientists discovered that children living closer to the mine had blood levels that were three times higher than that of children living further away. They then used a technique called methylation-specific polymerase chain reaction (MSP) to determine the methylation of the DNA sequences. Methylation is a process by which methyl (CH3) groups are added to DNA; this modification generally causes the activity of genes to reduce.”

Scientists involved with the research say they will continue to study the link between genomic damage and lead poisoning in an effort to help reduce its harmful impact on children.

New York City’s Ongoing Battle With Lead Contamination

Given the vast amount of older building stock in New York City, this area has long struggled with the problem of lead contamination.

Recently, a media report showed that New York City schools had tested positive for elevated lead a staggering 50,000 times in just five years.

In addition to school lead issues, the city has long struggled with lead contamination in subsidized housing and rental properties.

Lead is a potent neurotoxin and especially dangerous when ingested or inhaled by children. The cognitive effects and physical affiliations associated with lead poisoning can lead to permanent disabilities and behavioral changes.

However, those who have been victimized by lead poisoning are protected by the law. If you, or someone you love, have been impacted by the problem of lead poisoning, it’s imperative that you seek immediate counsel from an experienced lead poisoning attorney.

Finding the Right Lead Poisoning Attorney

At the Frankel Law Firm, we’ve been fighting for the rights of injured persons for more than 40 years.

In the area of lead poisoning litigation, The Frankel Law Firm has been at the forefront of the fight for justice for lead poisoning victims.

We have a long and successful legal history as being the attorneys on landmark and precedent setting cases such as Juarez vs. Wavecrest Management and have recovered many millions of dollars for the victims of lead poisoning.

At The Frankel Law Firm we pride ourselves in the careful and exhaustive preparation,  investigation and litigation of lead poisoning cases and have a long track record of success and dedication to our clients.

Give us a call if you need help at (212) 888-5100 or you can visit our website at and contact us via the contact option displayed on the page. 

All plaintiff lead poisoning cases which are accepted are on a contingency basis which means that there will be no attorneys fee unless successful. Given the coronavirus pandemic, we can arrange for a free consultation by Facetime, Zoom, Skype or WhatsApp. Please feel free to give us a call.

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