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New York Bicycle Accident Attorneys
Cycling in New York City has become commonplace. Redesigned streets and changing life styles have made biking a way of life. One observes professionals biking from the Upper East and West Sides of Manhattan to work in midtown and Wall Street. Columbus Avenue, and other thoroughfares have been modified to create a “complete street redesign” which contemplates active bikers across the length and breadth of the City of New York and beyond. Brooklyn has seen a renaissance of activity on its streets and bikes are now a commonplace and desired mode of transportation. Queens has active bike lanes over the Queensboro Bridge and bustling traffic clogged streets have been transformed to safe and habitable areas of meeting and living. Biking has become a way of City life and it has enhanced the quality of life in New York City.
With its densely-packed urban streets, beautiful green spaces and extensive bike infrastructure, New York City is a cyclist’s paradise in many respects. Thanks in part to the hugely popular Citi Bike program, cycling has also become a core part of New York’s commuter culture, with more than 450,000 bike trips occurring in the city each day. — a threefold increase since 2005. Popularity of cycling has exploded to such a degree that it’s no exaggeration to say that bikes outnumber cars on some city streets.
That’s a positive development, as larger numbers of commuters cycling leads to better air quality and a lower carbon footprint, ultimately creating a greener, more livable city for residents. More cycling also improves public health outcomes, and creates enhanced mobility for those without access to a car. Safety, however, remains a critically important issue which requires the attention of The City of New York and its officials.
According to a comprehensive bicycle safety study commissioned by the New York Department of Transportation, state and city officials have worked diligently to improve rider safety. More than 300 miles of standard bike lanes and 74 miles of protected bike lanes were added over the last decade, providing a safer road environment for local cyclists.
State officials also distributed roughly 180,000 free bicycle helmets and installed 24,000 new racks over this same time period, while also operating bicycle safety and awareness campaigns in all five boroughs.
The results have been promising: Bicycle fatalities are down sharply over the last few years, with an average of 12.8 fatalities per 100 million bike rides from 2011 to 2015. That’s a decrease of more than 70-percent from the years 1996 to 2000.
While it might sound counterintuitive that fatalities should plummet as ridership grows exponentially, the organizers of this study believe that these figures are proof that there is “safety in numbers” for cyclists, and that the investments the state and city have made in promoting cycling have helped create a culture of cyclist awareness. As bicycle riders become an omnipresent sight on city streets, motorists adapt and learn how to coexist safely.
Still, despite these improvements, cyclists should still be diligent in the exercise of caution and remember to practice safe riding habits, as bike accidents can have devastating physical, mental and financial consequences.
How to stay safe when cycling the streets
Staying safe when cycling is largely a matter of smart preparation and situational awareness on the road. The most dangerous areas for cyclists, by a wide margin, are traffic intersections. Roughly 65-percent of all fatalities occur at intersections, so cyclists should approach them with heightened caution.
Other high risk areas or activities for cyclists include traveling next to a motor vehicle (responsible for 29-percent of fatalities) or near a motor vehicle turning lane. Trucks are also a particular danger, as their size makes it more difficult to see cyclists sharing the road — and any potential collision even more violent.
Some other key safety tips for cyclists include:
- Always wear a helmet. Use of head protection lowers your risk for a serious head injury by roughly 60-percent. Head injuries are one of the most common causes of cycling fatalities. Helmets should also meet all relevant safety regulations.
- Use hand signals wherever applicable and ride single file in the same direction as traffic flow.
- Wear bright clothing and use reflective materials if riding at night.
- Horns, bells and headlights can also be used to improve safety.
Common Questions
Unfortunately, increased bike activity has also increased motorist/cyclist crashes. If the unfortunate occurs, one is faced with a series of very serious and time sensitive questions. They may include;
- I have suffered injury; am I entitled to no fault coverage in order to pay for my medical bills and reimburse for loss of earnings?
- Will I be able to recover for the property damage to my bike or equipment?
- Can I recover for a serious personal injury and who had the right of way?
- Is the City of New York or other municipality potentially liable for roadway conditions which contributed or caused the accident?
- What is the statute of limitations to file such a claim?
- Was a defect in the bike a cause of the accident?
All of these questions may be answered in a consultation with an attorney.
Preserve The Evidence
As soon after an accident as possible, all relevant evidence should be carefully and fully gathered and preserved. Some of the evidence to compile are police reports and the names and addresses of witnesses. Photographs depicting the scene of the accident as it existed at the time of the accident should be taken. Make certain to secure and preserve the damaged bike for forensic analysis. Preserve any GPS or Strava data. If you were wearing a Go Pro type camera be certain the preserve the video. Photographs of the vehicle involved should be taken as soon as possible. Be certain not to destroy or lose any evidence. This can result in severe sanctions including the dismissal of a law suit. The scene should be promptly viewed by a professional for guidance on all issues.
Be proactive in obtaining evidence and the early assistance and intervention of an attorney can be key to preserving relevant evidence. In many cases, this evidence may directly impact the ultimate result of a law suit as forensic evidence can in some cases scientifically establish the manner in which an accident occurred.
Each Type Of Biking Accident Raise Important Legal Issues
There are many types of biking accidents. Each raise important issues.
- I was injured when my bike hit a speed bump. Can I sue and who may be liable?
- I was injured by a motorist opening his door as I was passing, [“dooring”] – Who is legally at fault?
- I was hit by a motorist on a roadway, intersection, or driveway. What are my rights?
Act In A Timely Manner
It is important that all facts be promptly and carefully reviewed by an attorney to determine your legal rights. There are multiple New York City and New York State statutes applicable to bike accidents. The myriad of potential facts may implicate one or more of such laws and it is important to consult an attorney as early as practicable.
It is also important to note that any claim must be brought within a statutory time framework. In the case of claims against municipalities and their subdivisions, some of the time elements are quite short.
No fault claims must be addressed promptly as some of the time limits are also very short.
Types Of Bike Accidents
Blocking and Obstructing a Bike Lane: Forced out of your bike lane by a motorist?
This may constitute a violation of NYC Administrative Code Section 4-08(e).
“Doored” as you were passing the vehicle blocking the bike lane?
This is a violation of VTL 1214. The “door zone” is a space of 2-4 feet adjacent to parallel parked or stopped cars. While cycling in the door zone a cyclist can suffer severe injury if a door is suddenly opened into the path of the cycle causing him to veer into traffic or collide with the open door. Opening the door may be a violation of the law.
Section 1214 of the New York State Vehicle and Traffic Law provides, “No person shall open the door of a motor vehicle on the side available to moving traffic, and until reasonably safe to do so and can be done without interfering with the movement of other traffic nor shall a person leave a door open on the side of a vehicle available to moving traffic for a period longer than necessary to load or unload passengers.”
The implication of a violation of a New York State statute is of enormous importance as, if it is found to be a proximate cause of the accident, the violation may be determinative of the offenders negligence as a matter of law. It has long been held that, where appropriate, the jury will be charged that if a party has violated a statute and such violation is found to be a proximate cause of an injury that such violation of the statute constitutes negligence. This imposes in effect an absolute standard of care and a jury cannot substitute any other. Such a violation creates absolute liability in appropriate cases.
In New York City another provision of the may apply. NYCRR – Section 4-12-( c ) provides:
“No person shall get out of any vehicle from the side facing on the traveled part of the street in such a manner as to interfere with the right of the operator of an approaching vehicle or bicycle.”
Violation of this local law creates an inference of negligence for the jury to consider.
New York City Taxi Rules
If driving a bike in the City of New York raises issues of safety, the potential for hazard at times is highlighted when observing the driving behavior of some taxi cabs. In pursuit of the ultimate fare, many cabs drive on Second Avenue as if they are on the Indiana Speedway. While not wanting to unfairly critique these hardworking drivers, the New York City Council has enacted NYCRR – Section 4-11, Section C which implicitly does just that:
NYCRR- Section 4-11, Section C, requires “[T]axis….while engaged in picking up or discharging passengers must be within 12 inches of the curb or parallel thereto”.
NYCRR- Section 4-11-Taxi and Cars for Hire-(c) picking up or discharging passengers shall not be made under such conditions as to obstruct the movement of traffic and in no instance so as to leave fewer than 10 feet available for the free movement of vehicular traffic; Where stopping is prohibited; or Within a bicycle lane.
Areas Of Potential Litigation
The statutes raise many potential issues which may become key factors in a lawsuit. Questions which also must be addressed include;
- Was the cyclist aware that someone was about to exit? This could imply fault on the cyclists part;
- What was the level of attention to the road of the cyclist?; A defendant may seek to blame the injured cyclist for his or her own injuries alleging inattention;
- What was the bicycle speed?
- Did the cyclist utilize reflectors and or illumination?
- Was the cyclist distracted by a headphone or other device?
- Was it possible to ride clear of the danger?
- Was there a rear brake illuminated so the cyclist could have anticipated the exit of the driver or passenger?
- Was an interior light on?
What is the effect of contributing fault of the cyclist when a driver violates a State Statute or City Law or Regulation?
These are some of the complex issues which may be addressed by an attorney.
Bicycle Injuries FAQs
I was operating a bicycle on a New York City street. A car struck my bicycle leaving me with serious physical injuries. I was taken to the emergency room. After my initial treatment I was treated by my family physician. Which insurance carrier is obligated to pay for my medical bills?
If you were struck by a car as described – think “No Fault Insurance”. The fact is that in most such situations you will be covered by no fault coverage as the primary insurance. That being the case, it is very important that you timely determine which insurance carrier will cover your injuries. In this case, the vehicle which hit your bicycle and caused your injuries will be responsible for such medical bills.
How long do I have to file a No Fault application for benefits?
It is very important to file the application for benefits within thirty (30) days of the accident though there are limited circumstances that such period can be extended.
How do I obtain the insurance carrier information from the car that hit me?
If you were advised already, you should immediately obtain the police accident report from your local police precinct. Bring proper identification if you go to the local precinct. This is the most effective manner of obtaining the report and should be done promptly after the accident. Alternatively, older police reports can be obtained by contacting the Department of Motor Vehicles online at Of course an attorney retained by you can obtain the report as well.
What information is contained in a police accident report?
The police report (MV104 -AN) will likely and should contain an insurance code for the vehicle that hit you. The code will reveal the identity of the applicable insurance company providing coverage to the motor vehicle. It will also provide basic information such the location of the accident, the identity if the driver and may indicate statements made by you and the driver of the other vehicle. It may also identify any witnesses to the accident. It is prudent that you speak to and retain your own lawyer. If possible, this should be done early in the process and that they communicate with the insurance carrier on your behalf.
Who prepares the application for No Fault benefits?
It is advisable to seek an attorney to guide you through this process and normally when you retain an attorney in a personal injury and/or property damage case, the lawyer will guide you through the no fault application process as well.
This process seems to be complicated. I am looking to retain an attorney. Will the attorney guide me thorough this process.
It is advisable to seek an attorney to guide you through this process and normally when you retain an attorney in a personal injury and/or property damage case, the lawyer will guide you through the no fault application process as well.
I am out of work due to the injuries sustained when the car hit my bicycle. Will I be covered for my loss of earnings?
Yes. But the coverage has limits. There is a maximum limit of such payment of $2,000.00 per month for lost wages for a maximum of up to 3 years after the accident. Of course, the overall limits of personal injury protection will apply. Usually this is a $50,000 limit of coverage. There are additional coverages which may be available depending on the case.
If the accident was caused by the fault of the bicyclist, will he or she be entitled to receive No Fault coverage including loss of wages?
I was driving a bicycle and was in an accident with an uninsured car. Am I covered by No Fault insurance?
Yes. You may be covered by MVAIC or your own policy or a policy of insurance of a household member. You should promptly file the MVAIC intention to make a claim. They will require that you first seek benefits from the own policy or the policy of a household member. They likewise should be put on notice promptly. In order to receive guidance in filing such a claim go to
What kind of forms will I need in order to obtain my loss of earnings?
After the filing of the no fault application, in order to obtain payment for loss of earning, it necessary that a no fault wage verification report be filled out by your employer. The text of the form may be obtained online at the following website:
What forms will have to be filled out in order for my physician to be paid?
Among the types of forms which you and your physician will submit will be the “New York Motor Vehicle No-Fault Insurance Law Verification of Treatment By Attending Physician or Other Provider of Insurance” form. This will be prepared by you and also by your treating physician and/or health care professional. This should be done promptly and without delay. In order to see what this form looks like, it can be accessed at the following web address:
I was driving my bike in New York City and was in an accident with a motor vehicle. My bike was totaled. How can I obtain payment for the value of my bike?
Your property damage claim will become a part of your personal injury action if you have sustained serious injuries and choose to commence an action for damages. A person may maintain an action for the recovery of property losses independent of any personal injury action.
How will my bike be valued?
There are various ways of determining the value of a bike. The age and condition of a bike at the time of the accident will be one of the issues which must be addressed. Assemble all relevant data including purchase documents, photographs, add on cost documentation, and any other relevant information. You may check the online bluebook values. All these documents and data should be provided to your attorney.
Will my bike be considered a vehicle under New York law?
I was forced out of my lane when a car without prior notice or any warning, suddenly stopped and blocked my bike lane in Brooklyn, New York. The driver came out and blamed the other driver and myself for the accident. Does he bear at least some culpability for causing this accident?
In New York City the New York City Department of Transportation Traffic Rules prohibits such conduct and a court may find him culpable depending on the totality of all of the fact of the accident. (See the NYC Traffic Regulations at
Are there any statistics which demonstrate the location of greatest danger to bicyclists within the City of New York?
Yes. The New York City Department of Transportation has determined that most crashes leading to the most severely injured cyclists and/or tragically to fatalities occur at intersections. (89%) The New York City Department of Transportation has undertaken a study that examines the safety impact of various intersection designs. They will also issue recommendations for the modification of intersection design so as to protect the health and safety of bicyclist in the City of New York.
What are some of the factors leading to crashes between motor vehicles and bicyclists within the City of New York?
The Department of Transportation has found that there are three top types of crashes resulting in cyclist fatalities. The first was collisions caused by the cyclist and motor vehicle traveling adjacent to each other and too close. Obviously, this factor reduces the margin for a motorist mistake and increases the likelihood of a collision. This represented 29% of such serious accidents. The second factor involved in very serious accidents were collisions caused when the bicyclist and vehicle were traveling at right angles. This represented 27% of such serious accidents. Motor vehicle collision with bicyclists while making turns represented 21% of such serious crashes. For more expansive data and to download a very significant study, please see the complete report entitled “Safer Cycling Bicycle ridership and safety in New York City” at
Are there any compilations of data reflecting the total number of bicycle crashes within the City of New York?
Yes. Local Law 13 of 2011 mandated that the Department of Transportation compile such statistics.
What is the source of the Department of Transportation data?
The data is tabulated by reference to the content of filed police accident reports (MV—104).
How is the data broken down?
The report determines the total number of New York City crashes involving bicyclists. It also breaks down the nature of the crashes delineating the percentage of cyclist crashes involving motor vehicles; cyclists and pedestrians and pure cyclist crashes involving other precipitating causes.
Where can I obtain access to prior years of data?
This can be accessed at:
Can I held liable if I am in an accident with a pedestrian?
The short answer is yes.
I do not own a car nor does any person living as part of my immediate household. I live in New York City. I do not have apartment renters insurance. Can I obtain insurance covering me in the event that I am sued for injuring a pedestrian?
Yes. Such insurance is available.
I was involved in an accident while driving my bike. I was hit by a car which suddenly swerved into my lane knocking me from the bike. The bike is totaled and I suffered serious injuries. I live in an apartment and do not have room for a broken bike. Do I have to keep the bike and if I do, for how long?
The condition of a bike after an accident can be forensic evidence material and necessary in a law suit alleging negligence. An expert may be able to opine on speed and direction depending on the condition of the bike and the particular facts of a case. It is imperative that you not throw away potentially relevant evidence and keep it until your lawyer advises you otherwise.
How can I have the evidence stored?
In many cases your lawyer will take control of the evidence and maintain the evidence by having a forensic evidence storage company take control of the proof. It may also be necessary for your lawyer’s retained experts to examine and test the evidence. Though this seems simple it is imperative that it be done properly due to potential evidentiary issues which can arise. The collection of the forensic evidence includes the process of documenting the evidence throughout the process, marking of the evidence, preparing and maintaining proper documentation, taking photographs and carefully documenting the chain of custody of the evidence. The item then is placed in secure storage and maintained with proper documentation. This should not only be limited to your bike but also any and all other relevant evidence.
Should I keep my bike helmet or clothes.
Absolutely. Your shoes or sneakers which you were wearing as well.
If I destroy such evidence and I sue to recover for my personal injuries, what penalties can be imposed?
Depending on many factors, if a court finds that a plaintiff or a defendant has spoliated evidence, it may impose minor or in some cases very serious sanctions including dismissal of the case or in the case of a defendant, striking of an answer and imposing a finding of legal liability against the offending party. In short, never spoliate evidence. Period. Get it to your lawyer and make sure that it is properly maintained.
I was involved in an accident. I have data on my Strava App which was measuring and maintaining data on my movement at the time of the accident. Do I have to preserve this evidence?
Yes. The data can and should be downloaded and preserved. It certainly may be considered relevant and material evidence. It can be subject to the duty to maintain all material and relevant evidence. Do not destroy this data and take steps to preserve the evidence.
I was wearing a GoPro type device and have a recording of the accident. What should I do with the recording and data?
This must be properly preserved. Turn it over to your lawyer. Do not post it on Facebook or other social media. The video will be part of the proof in your case. Certainly, do not destroy such evidence as this is relevant evidence and can meet with court imposed sanctions in the event it is destroyed.
I ride my bicycle in Brooklyn on a street where there was a bike lane. Am I bound to follows the laws applicable to a car or other motor vehicle?
Yes. The New York State Vehicle and Traffic Law (VTL Section 1231) expressly provides that “every person riding a bicycle…. upon a roadway shall be granted all of the rights and shall be subject to all of the duties applicable to the driver of a vehicle….” Obviously, there are some special rules that apply to bicycles and to such extent you are treated differently than a car which has its own applicable rules. Bicyclists and all motorists are mandated by law to obey the statutes and rules governing the operation of such vehicles and most importantly are entitled by law to assume that other drivers will follow such laws as well.
In practice what does this rule mean to the driver of a bike?
It means that if you violate a statutory rule of the road that you will be liable for the damages, if any, that are caused by such acts and omissions. For example, if you fail to obey a yield sign and proceed into an intersection while failing to yield the right of way to a car already in the intersection, then in the event someone is injured, you will be considered negligent and liable for all damages proximately flowing from such conduct. It will also result in you being unable to recover for your own injuries if it is found that you were solely responsible for the accident without any culpable fault on the part of the other driver.
Are there any rules requiring drivers to keep a lookout for bicyclists?
Generally, all motorists must keep a reasonably vigilant lookout for persons operating bicycles on the streets of the City of New York and must sound their horn whenever a reasonably prudent driver would in order to warn the bicyclist of danger. The driver must operate his/or her vehicle with reasonable caution and care and must do so in a way so as to avoid a collision with anyone including a bicyclist who may be operating his/her bike on the roadway.
When riding a bike on a street that does not have a designated bike lane, is there a location of the street where the bicyclist is required to operate the bike?
Yes. Vehicle and Traffic Law Section 1234, provides that a bicyclist must operate the bike in a usable bike lane or if such a lane is not provided, “near the right-hand curb or edge of the roadway or upon a usable right-hand shoulder in such manner as to prevent undue interference with the flow of traffic except when preparing for a left turn or when reasonable necessary to avoid conditions that would make it unsafe to continue along the right-hand curb or edge.” It is important to note that in the City of New York, N.Y.C. Traffic Rules and Regulations provide that when there is no bike lane provided and the street is a one way thoroughfare, bicyclists may use either side of a street ride, provided the street is 40-feet wide or more.
What are the “unsafe” conditions that would permit the operator of the bike to operate the bike differently as noted above?
The statute lists a few examples of conditions which are not exhaustive: “fixed or moving objects, vehicles, bicycles, in-line skates, pedestrians, animals, surface hazards or traffic lanes too narrow for a bicycle and vehicle to travel safely side-by-side within the lane”. The statute appears to state that there may be times that a roadway permits the operator of a bike to ride a bike in the middle of the thoroughfare provided there would not be sufficient room for both the bike and the motor vehicle to ride side by side.
Can I be issued a ticket if I do not ride my bike to the right of the roadway?
Will the ticket constitute a moving violation on my license and if so, will I receive points for such a violation?
In this specific situation, The Department of Motor Vehicles has held that the violation is considered a moving violation but there would be no points on the operator’s license.
Will I receive a penalty for such a violation?
You are subject to a fine. There is no surcharge, no points and no conviction on your driver’s license arising from this ticket.
I use my bike to deliver packages. At times I have multiple packages which prevent me from placing both hands on the handle bar. Is this legal?
No. It violates Section 1235 of the Vehicle and Traffic Law.
I drive my bike at night. Does the law require me to have a lamp affixed to the bike in order to illuminate the area in front of the bike while it is dark?
Yes. The lamp must emit white light visible during hours of darkness from a distance of at least 500 feet to the front. Under Administrative Code of the City of New York, a lamp must be used dusk to dawn.
Does the law require any rear lighting when I ride my bike at night?
Yes. You must have a red or amber light which is visible to the rear for 300 feet.
Is there a requirement that the light be visible from the side?
Yes. One of the lamps must be visible at least 200 feet from either side of the bike.
Is there any requirement that a bike be equipped with a bell or other device that emits a signal audible to others?
Must a bike have a reflector?
Yes. The law requires the front a rear tires to have a reflector. The front tire must be colorless or amber. The rear tire must have a reflector that is colorless or red.
Can a violation of the law requiring a front or rear lamp be admissible on the issue of fault, when there is an accident between a car and a bike at night and the car contends that the lack of the lamp was a proximate cause of the accident?
Yes. This is potentially a very significant issue in an action for personal injuries involving a bicyclist and a motor vehicle which occurred at night.
I am an adult. May I be permitted to ride my 26 ‘’ bicycle on a sidewalk in the City of New York?
No. Unless there is a sign providing otherwise, the bike can be confiscated and/or the driver may receive a fine.
Are children permitted to ride a bike on a sidewalk in the City of New York?
If the bike is smaller than 26” in diameter and the child is less than 12 years of age. In any event, the bicycle must be driven with caution and reasonably. Under certain circumstances, notwithstanding the fact that such activity may be allowed by law, legal liability can attach. As such one should carefully supervise such activity on busy sidewalks.
I have a child that is less than a year old. Is it permissible for me to transport my child on my bike in the rear child’s seat?
No. This violates VTL Section 1238 as well as New York City law.
At what age may I place my child in a child carrier on my bike?
The law provides that you may transport a child who is one or more years but less than five years of age on a properly affixed child carrier. The child must also wear an approved helmet.
Is there any requirement that riders of bicycles in New York City wear helmets for their protection?
The law provides that children from the age of five (5) years of age and less than fourteen (14) years of age must wear an approved helmet when riding a bike in New York City.
I ride a bicycle in the City of New York. Is there any requirement for me to use hand signals
I have no idea what constitutes a proper hand signal. Does the law give any guidance?
Yes. A left turn is shown by extending your left arm horizontally. A right turn is shown by extending your left arm upward or right arm extended horizontally. To show that you are decreasing speed extend your left hand and arm downward.
I love to use my earphones when I ride my bicycle. Is there any limitation on the legal use of earphones when riding a bike under the law?
Yes. A rider may not wear more than one earphone attached to a radio, tape player, or other audio device while riding a bicycle.
I am a New York City resident and have observed many riders of bikes utilizing them for commercial purposes. Are there any special rules or laws that apply to such riders?
Yes. There are quite a few requirements which have been imposed by law in the City of New York.
What are some of those requirements?
The New York City Administrative Code mandates that the business must:
- Identify the business on the bike by name and ID number;
- The operator of the bike must wear upper body apparel which has the business name and the operators number on the back;
- The business must provide the operator of the bike with a helmet which complies with A.N.S.I standards;
- The operator of the bike must wear the provided helmet;
- The operator must have a numbered ID card with his photo, name and address and business name address and phone number; (He must produce it if asked by authorities or in an accident.)
- The business must keep a very detailed log book which includes the name, ID number, and place of residence of each bike operator and the dates of his or her employment and discharge. The log book must also include information on the daily trips and identify the bicycle operators ID number and name. The log book must list the name and place of origin and destination of each job.
- The owner of the business must file an annual report with the New York City Police Department identifying the number of bicycles it owns and the ID number and any identity of it’s employees.
I live in New York City and love to ride my bike in Central Park. Are there limitations on where I may legally ride my bike?
The N.Y.C. Traffic Rules provide that no person may ride a bicycle in any park, except in places designated for bike riding.
In the City of New York, am I permitted to ride a bike on bridges?
The law prohibits riding a bicycle on “expressways, drives, highways, interstate routes, bridges and thruways” (NYC Traffic Rules 4-12 (o) (1)), unless there are specific signs authorizing such use.
I was involved in an accident with a bicyclist in the City of New York. Was he required by law to stop and give his identification and if so, to whom was he required to provide such information?
Pursuant to NYC Traffic Rules Section 4-12 (h) a rider of a bicycle who is involved in an accident resulting in injury to person or property or death, must stop and give his or her name, address, insurance information, if any, to the police department.
In the City of New York, is it permitted for a motor vehicle to stop in a lane designated for bike riders?
No. It is not permitted to park, stand, or otherwise obstruct a bike lane.
I was driving a bicycle and was involved in an accident when I came in contact with a pedestrian who was crossing the bike lane. Was I required to give my identification to the injured pedestrian?
Yes. The Vehicle and Traffic Law requires that anyone who has operated a bike and knows that he or she has been in an accident in which another person has suffered personal injury, to stop and provide his or her name and residential address to the injured person. If the police are present you must provide this information to the police. If police are not at the scene, you should as soon as practicable, report the accident to a police precinct nearest to the location of the accident. Leaving the scene of such an incident without providing the information is a violation. If you are over 18 and leave the scene of an accident where you have reason to believe that someone was seriously injured, then such conduct may be a class B misdemeanor depending on the severity of the injury. In other words, if you are in any accident whatsoever, stop and exchange information. It is prudent to call and have a policeman handle the situation.

Verdicts & Settlements
- $8 Million for Pedestrian Knockdown Case
- $3 Million for Lead Poisoning Case
- $3 Million for Pedestrian Knockdown Case
- 2.6 Million for Lead Poisoning Case
- 2.2 Million for Lead Poisoning Case
- 2 Million for Lead Poisoning Case
- 1.875 Million for Defective Product Case
- 1.5 Million for Lead Poisoning Case
Frankel Law Firm was extremely professional. They were very helpful with every step of the process, always reachable to answer questions and give excellent advice. They were a pleasure to work with!